Discover resources to help understand the background context of the concept of One Health
The concept of One Health is one where we recognize that human health and wellness is deeply interconnected with multiple factors, including the animal world and the environment. Human beings are not alone on the planet; we share it with a wealth of other living creatures and we are all linked to them and to the planet itself. The expansion of human activity into new areas, our close proximity to and dependence upon animals, and the changing climate all have major impacts on our health and well-being. One Health is the interconnectedness of systems across human, animal and ecological determinants of health. From the most simple organism to the most complicated one, when it comes to health, we are all linked.
To learn more about One Health Let’s Talk Science brings you the Let's Talk One Health symposium as part of the Visionary Symposium Series. This event includes a panel of world-renowned scientists, visionaries and researchers engaged in a leading-edge discussion touching upon Indigenous knowledge systems and key concepts to managing the next global crisis. As part of the panel, David Saint-Jacques, Canadian Space Agency astronaut delivers a keynote address around One Health and shares his personal experience with the concept.
Below you will find thematically grouped resources to give you some background information on and get you thinking about the interconnectedness human beings have with the animal world and with the environment.
Clips from Let's Talk One Health
Animals and Diseases
The Environment and Climate Change
General Health and Well-Being
Career Profiles