Infectious Disease Management

Description about program

This module fosters a better understanding of infectious disease management from a One Health perspective, at both the individual and societal levels. Educational topics reviewed in this module include the classical “epidemiological triad,” representing the important interrelationships among three key factors: the infected host, the etiological agent, and the environment). In addition, we view infectious disease management through the lens of One Health and focus on such priority issues as emerging zoonotic diseases, disease surveillance systems, outbreak detection, health promotion and health education, disease prevention and control, and treatment and rehabilitation.

After completing the module, students will better understand the importance of developing effective One Health interventions to control disease outbreaks and design strategies for disease elimination (nationally) and/or eradication (globally). Key outcomes for One Health students should include the ability to:
§ Identify possible risk factors associated with an infectious disease outbreak.
§ Use accurate information from surveillance to guide the management of infectious disease problems.
§ Design and implement a One Health action plan for infectious disease management.
§ Evaluate the effectiveness of One Health actions in infectious disease management.
§ Design a new or strengthen an existing disease surveillance system.

Contains a facilitator guide, a student guide, presentation slides, a quizz  and related resources

Training Organisation
Type of organisation
Type of training
Facilitator and student guide, powerpoint presentation, quizz and ressrouces